Hello again! This time it is for a wine and cheese pairing! I did a little bit of research as I have no knowledge on what wines would pair well with which cheeses so I turned to my good friend Google for some help. I decided to go with a creamy Havarti and pair it with a rose I found that looks pretty good. I am very excited to try this and see how they two pair together, fun fact about this pairing though, I have never tried this cheese nor the wine before.
The only type of Havarti I could find was a pack designed for cracker use, but I figured it would work just fine for this little experiment. It is also very convenient that the cheese is already sliced and ready for consumption! I tried the cheese before even touching the wine, just so I could get a good sense of what the cheese tasted like. It had a very smooth and creamy taste with a slightly acidic and buttery taste, but also a little bit on the sweet side. I really enjoy the taste of this cheese and will most likely be adding it into my normal cheese buying routine!
Up next is the bottle of wine, I went with a cheaper rose as I have never tried this type of wine and was unsure if I would like it or not. I spent some time in the store trying to find one that sounded the best based on the winemakers notes. I ended up going with 2021 rose from the Cupcake Vineyards in California. I have seen this brand several times as some of my friends prefer this brand, so I figured it has to be at least a little bit good! Before making my final decision though I read some of the winemakers notes to try and get a little bit more information on it. This wine has flavors of watermelon, strawberry, and white nectarine. The first two sold me as I absolutely love summer fruits and melon and I figured with summer being right around the corner, if I like it I may have found a good wine to enjoy during the upcoming summer break.
I poured myself a nice glass of the wine and gave it the good ole swirl and sniff, it definitely hit the watermelon as that smell was very overpowering to everything else that was trying to come through. I was able to pick up on a hint of floral notes which was a little bit of a turn off for me as I am not a fan of floral scents, but the watermelon smell was hard to escape, even after a couple sniffs! I took a drink and low and behold, I could taste nothing but watermelon as soon as it was in my mouth. A small taste of nectarine followed the watermelon and then I was hit with a very sour taste as I swallowed the wine. The wine was very dry and made me pucker a little bit because of the sourness. I did not like the taste of the wine at all but I decided to go ahead and take a bite of my cheese to see how the two complimented each other, if at all. The cheese tasted a lot saltier than before which was not a bad thing at all, and the creamy taste popped out a lot more. After this I decided to try it in reverse order, taking a bite of the cheese and then taking a drink of the wine to see if it had any affect on the wine. It did not unfortunately as the wine tasted the exact same and still made me pucker, even though I knew what to expect this time around. The wine ultimately did pair well with the cheese, enhancing the flavors I initially tasted but also bringing out the hidden salt flavor that I did not taste the first time around, but the wine was just not my cup of tea! I suppose the hunt for a nice summer wine continues!
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